Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Success Principles No 3: want want want - what is it that you want

Success Principal Number 3: know exactly what you want

So we've decided why we are here, what we are living for - now is the time to decide exactly what you want. This at first may seem like an easy question to answer, but if you get beyond the Mercedes Benz, house on the water and 1 Billion dollars (which are all worthy things to want) it may start to get a little challenging to list what else you may want in life that will enable you to feel even more fulfilled, alive and happy. The other area is believing that  you can have all of what you want. Unfortunately over time our ability to ask for what we want has become nothing more than a pipe dream, a list of wishful thinking, or even worse something we are no longer in touch with - well my friend its time to get your dream and wishing hat back on.

Have you ever had the opportunity to watch a baby, they are beautiful examples as to how life was intended to be. When they want food, they want it and wont stop until it is theirs, they scream until they are safely nurtured in their mothers loving arms. We too, were once like that, we knew what we wanted and  were happy to ask for it but as we began to grow our ability to ask for what we wanted slowly got diminished by well meaning and protective No's from our parents, peer pressure from our friends who wanted us to do what they wanted and  the constant barrage of media messages instilling how life is 'meant' to be regardless if that suited you or not - until one day you find yourself fat, bored and sitting in front of a computer screen, doing work that pays the bills thinking there has to be more to life than this - AND THERE IS!!

Now is the time to figure out exactly what it is that you want! Ask yourself what do you want to be do or have? what is it that you want to experience from this wonderful adventure called life?

" Hell on earth would be meeting the person you could have been if you had the courage to take the necessary action to live the life of your dreams - to follow your destiny"

In each of us lies a seed, the you 'you' were meant to be. Failing to be that you is nothing short of a tragedy. Often in the name of being sensible we end up becoming numb to our own desires. Under a blanket of "shoulds", "musts" and "ought tos" we lose sight of what it is we really want. If this is you and you have had enough, then I challenge you to reclaim yourself and start living a life that you want rather than a life of mediocrity based on the instructions of others.

Step 1: Stop selling out on yourself
Start small by honouring your preferences at all times, delete phrases such as 'i dont mind', ' I dont care', 'I don't know' and 'what ever you like" from your vocab. Always have an opinion about your preference and if you dont, then ask yourself what it would be if you minded, cared, knew, or wanted. This little step will allow you to develop a sense of what you really want in life as well as build your 'asking for what you want' muscle.

Step 2: Time to visit the North Pole
Make an 'I want list' - this should be fun, bold and beyond your wildest dreams. Make a list of
* 30 things that you want
* 30 things that you want to do
* 30 things that you want to be

If you want to take this a step further, then grab a trusted friend and for 20 minutes on each area (e.g. want, do, be) get them in rapid fire to ask you what you want and list your answers as they are revealed. Keep going as fast as you can for the 20 minutes. You may find at first your list isn't very profound but as you continue your unconscious mind will provide you with what your soul really desires. This is not to suggest that the first words you list are not important, they are - I challenge you to keep asking yourself what is it that you want. As you perform the exercise do not limit yourself in anyway and make sure that the only words from your friends lips are what do you want? what do you really want?

Step 3: love love love, love is all you need
Write down all the things that you love to do - what is it that you could do for the rest of life. This is important as what you love gives you clues as to what your purpose and passions are. Make a list of 100 things you love to do and then by each of the items you've listed write down ways you could make money doing these things. have fun and come up with as many ways as possible. Now I know there will be a few of you saying I cant make money doing what I love to do - I love talking to people - well Oprah Winfrey did a pretty good job at making money talking to people.  Now is not the time to be judgmental, now is the time to be creative and list as many ways as your possibly can. Allow yourself to expand, dream and believe

"Decide what you would like to do and the how will reveal itself"

Step 4: clarify your vision - after all people without a vision will perish
We have done some work on creating your ideal day, well what about your ideal week, month and year. If you were to imagine its New years Eve 2012 what are the things you would like to have achieved, the places you have seen, the business you have built, the relationships you have enjoyed, the fun things you have bought (hello Chanel handbag). Allow your vision to include finances, relationships, work and career, Free time, health and wellbeing, personal goals, what you have contributed to society and your connection with God (or what-ever spiritual connection you believe in)

What would have made 2012 the most delicious and wonderful year? Paint a vivid picture with all the sounds, details and feelings you would want to experience.

'Create your future from you future, not from your past '

Step 5: The art of meditation
Take a note pad and find a really comfortable and beautiful space that you can spend some time and not be disturbed. You may want to light a candle, play some beautiful music and have a glass of water handy. Start the meditation with 5 slow, long and deep breaths and set the intention that you are open to hearing and honouring your wants.

Close your eyes and allow yourself to become fully present - as you do ask you unconscious mind to reveal to you what your ideal life would be in the area of <insert important area here> . Allow the answers to come in whatever format you want it to whether that be images, feelings or words. Write anything down and keep asking. Give yourself time - ask yourself questions in all areas of life e.g. finance, health and well-being, relationships etc....

Once you have completed all areas, go and find a good friend and share your vision who you know will give you support and be positive. As you keep sharing allow your wants to become clearer.

Finally once you have worked out what you want - take some action in having it. I would love to hear what you have come up with

Until next week PP
Today's photo is from an amazing organic place at Bondi Beach. Its the place I love to go when boosting my motivation for healthy living 

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