Successful people know exactly why they are here, they know precisely what they want and they go for it 100% with passion and enthusiasm. I once dated a pilot who ever since being a small child knew exactly what his purpose was. He was obsessed with flying, his passion and commitment to it was infectious and no matter what others said he kept logging his hours, mastering his craft and doing whatever it would take for him to one day fly jets like his father and grandfather had. Everything he did was linked to being a pilot. He lived the lifestyle of a pilot, he dressed like a pilot, he even went as far as using the letters on the number plates on every car to make up affirming sentences as to why he was meant to be a pilot. To some it may seem obsessive, but to him he was in his flow, living his purpose. Now today he is flying for a prestigious airline and doing what he loves. He knew exactly what he was put on this planet for and he went for it, no apologies about it.
Just like with the pilot, everyone is born with a life purpose. The key is to identify your purpose, acknowledge it and finally honor it by going after it 100% with passion and enthusiasm. If you haven't identified your why, then its important to take the time and understand exactly why God put you on this planet. There is however a warning here - so many people I meet use the excuse of "not knowing their purpose" to prevent them from taking the necessary action and calculated risks to go after what they want. If you know your purpose, then its time to acknowledge and honor it by working out how you can inject passion and determination into every activity you take that leads you to manifesting your purpose in the material.
If you are thinking that finding your purpose is a litte woo woo and doesn't really matter, then have a look at the results your achieving in your life. Have you ever set goals and then thought, oh my god I hate this, why am I doing this? trust me - if your why is not big enough you will abandon all activity as quickly as your 80's tribute fishnet stone washed denim jacket. As old texts say, without a vision, the people perish and in today's society signs and symptoms of perishing are showcased through depression, obesity, broken marriages, dis-ease, constantly drifting, feeling dissatisfied and never really achieving anything of value.
" being on purpose is loving what you do, doing what you are good at
and accomplishing whats important to you"
Anthony Robbins, has outlined his purpose as being " to humbly serve the lord by being a loving, playful, powerful and passionate example of the absolute joy that is available to us the moment we rejoice in Gods gifts and sincerely love and serve all his creations". It is this very purpose that took him from being a broke janitor to one of the worlds finest personal development leaders with wealth that most would only dream about. I remember him once saying that 'living is giving' and look at what he has 'given' to the world. He is truly a blessing.
Brian Tracey, suggests that finding your purpose is as simple as trusting yourself. He recommends to 'decide upon your major definitive purpose in your life then organise all your activities around it until you achieve it'. Everything you do should be an expression of your purpose. If any activity doesn't fit that formula, drop it immediately and do something that does! fullstop!!
So how can you find your purpose, your why?
Step 1: Experience Joy:
In his book, Jack Canefield suggests paying attention to your 'Joy O Metre'. According to Jack, who lives his passion daily, we are all born with an inner guidance system that gives us immediate signs as to when we are on purpose and when we are not. Jack suggests that you spend a few moments listing all the activities that bring you tremendous joy and see what they have in common. I challenge you to go one step further by suggesting that over the next month you list all the items you do in a day and rate them 0 - 10 (0 being no joy and 10 being singing with the angels). After the month is complete, have a look and see what your 'Joy O Metre' has to say. Really get clear about what brings you joy as its a major insight to your purpose
Step 2: the powerful question: (pretty cool considering I have been talking about asking powerful questions)
Get in a space of total relaxation, the way I love to do this is to light a beautiful natural soy wax candle, take a couple of deep, alkalizing breaths and then allow your focus to settle on the flame. As you watch the flame dance, ask yourself "what is my purpose? why am I here? and allow yourself to simply come up with the answer, its important to trust yourself as you do know your answer, its embedded in your DNA and its waiting to be revealed.
Write down any answer that comes up and try not judge your first responses. Sometimes the answer may come up in the flash of an image, feeling or single word.
Once you have completed the candle exercise, then answer the following
1. list 2 unique personal qualities you have e.g. passion and enthusiasm
2. list 2 ways you enjoy expressing these qualities when interacting with others e.g. teaching and inspiring
3. if you had a magic wand and the world was exactly as you would love it to be what would it be like? how would people be interacting with one another? e.g. everyone is living their best life through disciplines of excellence and are vibrantly healthy and energised.
4. combine the three prior answers to form a purpose statement e.g.
My purpose is to use my passion and enthusiasm to teach and inspire others to live their best life through disciplines of excellence and vibrant health and energy
Now that you know your purpose - its important to stay on track. An easy way to do this is to emerse yourself so that it becomes a part of your soul, to the point where you unconciously take action towards achieving it. Every morning before getting up, read and visualise your purpose so you know why you are here and what you are living for!
Here's to living with a big enough Y or in Jim Carey's words P.A.R.T -WHY? because I got to!!
Love the Passion Project
PS today's photo was taken at the Star Light Foundation express room, which creates a fun and happy space for sick kids (and their families) to play and have fun. The people who work there are such purposeful people and they know exactly how important their role is in the health and wellbeing of children recovering from major illness. Check them out as they are always looking for support and volunteers.