So part of the blog is to not only share great principals, but its also to act as a testament of my progress. Last night as I floated into bed, I felt powerful, strong and responsible, I felt inspired and I have to say a little bit smug as I thought this part would be easy. After all I am pretty good at being responsible and I am also an advocate of positive speaking, but oh no not so fast...
what I found really interesting from my experience today was the amount of disempowering internal dialogue that goes on. Although externally I am very good as masking 'the complainer', 'the blamer' aswell as disguising my excuses as well founded and supported facts, internally it is a completely different story. Internally I am all about the poor is me, how I cant do x, y or z or how this person did this and how that person made me do blah blah blah.... seriously its not worth the energy writing. I found myself not only internally abusing myself, but also giving my power of decision and choice over to more bossy and dominant individuals and sources such as the media. Even today I found myself agreeing with a person (keeping in mind I was a little bored in the conversation) about a topic that I strongly object to. Hello where is being responsible?
The biggest learning from today was understanding why I often feel so tired and exhausted at the end of the day, with the constant analysing and disecting of my day, my words, other people I wonder how I find the energy (or time for that matter) to achieve anything remotely in line with that which I love
So in the quest of taking 100% responsibility, the question of the day became, how do I do it internally, where in a micro second my brain seems to have lit up the very well grooved neural pathway to blame, story and excuse take 100% responsibility. The other day I read a post on facebook that said, whenever you are in search of an answer to a challenge, simply ask it and sit in silence until an answer arrives and to take immediate action on that answer. So in saying this I am off to meditate and see what genius is revealed
I would love to hear how you have got on?
The Passion Project
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