Day 3 - vibrational alignment is 100% responsible
Doreen Virtue once suggested that we should remember to breath throughout the day and choose peace, no matter what was happening around us. That we have the power, whenever we desire to retreat to that quiet still place simply by closing our eyes and taking a deep and loving alkalising breath. Its interesting isnt it that so much stress, angst and even dis-ease comes as a result of being so attached to an outcome and its response strategy that we fail to see we can actually have the emotions and dreams of our vision right in the very moment.
These past few days of taking 100% responsibility have stirred up some really interesting thoughts and beliefs around the way I approach the idea of success. It was only this morning when I was analysing my dreams that it struck me how much importance I put on perfection, getting everything right and the amount of energy that is wasted on fear, criticism and striving. The belief was unless I can get it right 100% then it means that I am not destined for this. Crazy hey? and definitely explains why I get capped at a certain level of success. What I have realised is that being 100% responsible, doesnt mean getting it right 100% of the time - what it does mean is actively learning and evolving, improving and growing from the day and taking ownership of the approach no matter what, even if that is taking responsibility for not originally taking responsibility, if that makes sense.
It dawned on me that what if the end goal wasnt really what was important, what if the process of success was so enjoyable, fun and playful that the actual manifestation of the end goal was like the iceing on the cake. What if the process of falling down 5 times and getting up 6 was actually the training ground for becoming vibrationally aligned to that which I was seeking? The concept of vibrational alignment has become an area of interest lately and achieving alignment occurs on so many different levels e.g. identity, values, beliefs & actions, Behaviours, skills & rituals, emotions & feelings and environment. What if we were to take 100% responsibility of all these key areas in becoming vibrationally aligned, do you think then transformation would occur?
When I first took on the challenge of being 100% responsible I guess I only focussed on my beliefs and my behaviours - now I am seeing that being 100% responsible is so much more than that, it looks at the identity in which I hold of myself, the values that are important to me, the beliefs and actions that I take, the beaviours, rituals and skills I follow regularly, the feelings, emotions and meanings I experience and the environment in which I place myself. What if we were to pick an area based on our ideal day and take responsibility for all those areas?
Anthony Robbins says one of the many key's to success is to start by asking yourself the right questions. I have decided that in the process of planning my day I am going to consider all aspects of vibrational alignment as outlined above and to do so answer the following questions. Please keep in mind these questions are ones that resonated with me and its important that you create ones that will work for and with you.
1. what is the area of focus (make sure its linked to your ideal day)
2. what Identity would I have to hold of myself to achieve this and be this today?...... and even more than that? (answer starting with I am <insert statement here> and ensure it is in the positive tense)
3 what would I have to value to live this even more easily and effortlessly? - if you dont know what you values are, ask yourself what is most important in your life? and see where you can link your area of focus to your value
4. what beliefs and attitudes do I have that will empower me even further in creating my goal today? (you can turn these into incantations to embed them at the unconscious level)
5. what behaviours and rituals if I performed on a consistent basis would propel me towards my goal?
6. what is the first top 3 actions I can take right now to commit to this (keep asking yourself this question as you complete them) and how can i celebrate their successful completion?
7. what skills and resources do I need to achieve my goal (and how could I make it even more enjoyable and fun?)
8. what emotional state could I use to empower me so that the experience is one of joy, happiness and love (you can insert what ever feelings inspire you - really feel them as you get into the state)
9. what environment could I put myself in that would inspire even greater creativity, motivation and commitment in achieving my goal today (be broad in your approach to environment and allow it to include who you hang out with, what you listen to, the places you go to, the tv shows you watch, the clothes you wear etc.... for me beauty and luxuary is very important so walking around gorgeous shops inspires my creative side)
10. How am I going to celebrate my success (be creative with this and it doesnt have to be a material reward or cost a fortune, even though they can be excellent rewards, it could be as simple as giving yourself some time to relax in a bath with a beautiful candle, or going for a walk or simply by doing a happy dance singing 'i am so great, I am so great', its what ever will make you feel like you have been rewarded - remember success breeds succcess)
I would love to know what some of the questions you have that propel you towards being even more responsible for your life and the results that you are achieving already!
Remember results show you if you are on track or not
Cheers The Passion Project
PS today's photo is of a tiffany box waiting for me as a reward when I complete a week of early morning beach walking xoxo (ill show you the open box when I achieve it - results baby results xoxo)
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