Thursday, August 25, 2011

Day 1.1 of the 100 Days Season 1 Passion Project Challenge

Ok, so as you know in the quest of taking 100% responsibility for my life, I have set a challenge to live 100 days in alignment to my best life today. The purpose of this is to be 100% responsible (I figure if I say it enough times it will sink in), invigorate my passions, nurture my creativity and allow me to master the 64 weeks of success principals. I was so blessed tonight to be on a webinar with Lauren from the Australian Style Institute who shared the importance of tapping into the power of creativity and the beauty associated with it. I realised from the call that taking responsibility doesn't have to be serious or 100% accurate, its more about being true to self and living at a higher and more beautiful standard - well that's what it meant for me

Day 1 is all about understanding the ideal day, setting any intentions and goals and committing to a number of daily rituals that will take you towards your magnificence.  A very gorgeous girl who loves to always 'step it up' asked me a few questions about the 'ideal day' process and it got me thinking, was it that I wanted to live my ideal day every single day like a pre-written movie script where I was the leading lady? or was it more that I wanted to find new and creative ways to experience the feelings and emotions associated with that ideal day? I have decided it's a combination of both, I figure since I can experience the emotions and feelings instantaneously I would action that (see, taking responsibility of my emotions) while I created and manifested the material of that ideal day, namely trips to Paris and New York as well as a beach front home and thriving coaching business (this may take a little longer that 100 days)

Since I find writing in beautiful journals very therapeutic, I spent the afternoon writing out in long hand my ideal day, waking up with an attitude of gratitude and connecting with God, whilst watching the waves crashing on the beach from my bedroom window,  followed by an invigorating run doing my Anthony Robbins Hour of Power, coming home to a husband cooking a healthy alkaline breaky and the house filled with love and laughter, having a wardrobe filled with beautiful fashion, going to my office and working with amazing clients, attending Helen Tardents Pilates class, coming home to snuggle and spend time with loved ones and family, breaking bread and then packing for my trip to Paris and New York.... ahhh the bliss. Although I have only shared with you a very condensed version of my ideal day, what I found in doing the experience was that the following are very important to me
* connecting with God and living in-spirit (inspired) as well as being grateful
* health, wellbeing and exercise 
* spending time in nature at the beach
* the ritual of dressing beautifully and spending time in beautiful luxurious environments
* helping people and being a masterful leader
* having time to nurture self
* family and friends
* beauty and fun

The three top feelings this invokes in me are
* love
* abundance
* gratitude

And it is from this my intentions for the next 100 days are:
* to live in love, abundance and gratitude
* nurture, nourish and restore myself 
* to capture an image that symbolises my ideal day

My rituals are to 
* eat healthy, clean alkalizing foods and liquids 90% of the time
* go walking along the beach 5 mornings a week
* do 20 minutes pilates a day
* spend 60 minutes everyday doing my hour of power

My goals that I wish to manifest for the next 100 days are 
* I am fit lean and vibrantly healthy at 58kgs with glowing radiant skin
* I am blogging daily about my 100 days sharing value adding content and have 10 people following my blog, living their own best life
* I have interviewed 5 amazing women who are living a passion filled life

Also if you are deciding to do your own 100 day challenge, then I ask you to post a photo a day tagging both the passion project and yourself with a statement of what the image means to you, this way we can inspire each other. I would love to know what your ideal day is? what your intentions, rituals and goals are as well as any insights and ideas

With much love, sloppy kisses and big hugs (yes I feel deliciously beauti-FULL at the moment)

The Passion Project

PS the image of today is of a walk just outside my apartment - seeing the ocean always inspires me. I am so grateful to be living so close.

PPS Im off to plan my day and write my intentions up on every mirror as a friendly reminder xoxo

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